Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)

Windows Communication Foundation provides a unified framework for rapidly building service-oriented applications that makes it easy to build and consume secure, reliable, and transacted Web services.

WCF’s single programming model unifies the capabilities in ASMX, WSE, Remoting, COM+, and MSMQ; therefore developers need to learn only one programming model.

In addition, WCF services now offer more design flexibility by supporting architecture such as Representational State Transfer (REST), JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and Plain Old XML (POX) encoding.

By default, WCF services speak standard WS-* protocols when sending and receiving messages for maximum interoperability. These features include:
Interoperable security, reliable messaging, and transaction support are provided through WS-* implementations.

  • Reliable messaging guarantees “in order” and “exactly once” delivery. MSMQ infrastructure provides queued messaging.
  • Transaction support enables reliable execution or rollback of multi-step operations.
  • Hosting model independence enables WCF code to run in IIS as well as in any managed code application (ASP.NET, EXEs, NT Services, WinForm, etc.).
Propona has experience with WCF, it's predecessors and sub-components, as well as with the big picture associated concepts that allows us to architect optimal solutions to client project requirements incorporating elements of WCF and other .NET technologies as required.